Archive for the ‘fish’ Category


The swordtail above is FAT… with a big tummy. It is heavily pregnant.. no wonders.
The swordtails in our mini-pond have been successfully reproducing and replacing with new generations themselves. And they feed mainly on algae… since the owner (right, me!) is lazy to feed them.
This time, I fished out one of them which looked like delivery was imminent. Swordtails and guppies are apparently the only types of fished that give birth to their young alive (from the boys’ Science lessons). I placed this mother fish in a small aquarium to see the babies.

As expected, the next day the dozens of baby fished were born! I estimated there were about 24 of them, with about 4-5 of them already dead.

The mother fish… right after delivering the 2 dozens of babies… looking perfectly slim and slender again. You’d not have guessed that it has just given birth.

Sam and Ken were quite excited about this.
Mothers with babies.


Bought some new Mollies and mini-goldfishes to add to the pond.
I had sworn many times before never to buy goldfishes again. Goldfish just eat and shit. Difficult to keep for long – they dirty the water quickly and die easily. I just hope that these mini-goldfishes will only excrete mini-shits…

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of Mollies. Cheap.

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of goldfish. About 30 in each bag. Cheap cheap!


Bought some new Mollies and mini-goldfishes to add to the pond.
I had sworn many times before never to buy goldfishes again. Goldfish just eat and shit. Difficult to keep for long – they dirty the water quickly and die easily. I just hope that these mini-goldfishes will only excrete mini-shits…

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of Mollies. Cheap.

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of goldfish. About 30 in each bag. Cheap cheap!


Bought some new Mollies and mini-goldfishes to add to the pond.
I had sworn many times before never to buy goldfishes again. Goldfish just eat and shit. Difficult to keep for long – they dirty the water quickly and die easily. I just hope that these mini-goldfishes will only excrete mini-shits…

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of Mollies. Cheap.

Abv: $2 for 1 pack of goldfish. About 30 in each bag. Cheap cheap!